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Negotiation: An Important Skill for HR

Figure 1: (Source: PMTips, 2019) In an Organization, Negotiations are generally associated with functions of the Procurement and Sales departments as it is generally believed to be used in buying and selling. Negotiation is an integral part of day-to-day life as people have different expectations. This soft skill is more important for HR Professionals as they primarily deal with people in the Organization. It is used in many HR activities, from hiring the best talent to releasing employees. Armstrong (2014) describes Negotiation is about achieving the most gain in a discussion between two parties through the process of bargaining, that is, through a process of offer and counter-offer, and it has four steps;   “ Initial steps ” of deciding the strategy, listening, obtaining data and organizing “ Opening ” step of challenge other party’s position and non-committal proposal “ Bargaining ” involves Negotiation of the whole package “ Closing ” step by makin

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