Emerging Trend of Green HRM

There has been increasing focus and discussions globally to reduce carbon footprint and go green as a result of catastrophes that climate change has brought. It is the responsibility of every individual to act responsibly to preserve the environment and the world as a whole for the next generations to come. Organizations are one of the main contributors to environmental impacts and HR Departments in organizations have a vital role in supporting Organization’s objective to improve eco-friendly business.


Figure 1 (Source: Lill, 2019)

What is Green HRM

Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) concept is relatively new and has been a subject with a small volume of scholarly works (Jackson et al., 2011). Green HRM does not have one universal definition and many people have different meanings (Rani & Mishra, 2014). In general, GHRM is HRM policies and practices that promote sustainable use of resources towards an environment-friendly organization.

Why Greening is important

In addition to the benefits, it brings to the world such as minimize global warming, reducing the environmental pollution and protection of animal and human life for a prolonged time (Opatha & Arulrajah, 2014), GHRM is important for Organizations also to build brand image, to improve employee morale and attract & retain competitive talents (Pardhi & Chaudhari, 2019). According to an article in Youmatter (2021) currently the sustainability strategies are growing exponentially within organizations as a result of increasing concern on climate changes.

An article in Hrmi.org (2018) indicates that big firms in Europe are already practicing Green strategies in HRM, especially in Germany and the UK. Companies such as Siemens, BASF, Bayer and Mannesmann already using Green image strategies through environmental activities to attract talented employees, also The Rover Group vehicle manufacturer in the UK includes environmental responsibilities and qualifications part of every job profile. This shows the trend of more attraction within organizations and increasing GHRM practices being included in the employee recruitment process.

Figure 2 (Source: Marla, 2018)

Some of Green HRM Practices

Bangwal and Tiwari (2015) mentions following examples of Green HRM Practices

1) Green Recruitment – Selecting employees who are aware of sustainable process

2) Green Performance Management – Integrating environmental management into performance management

3) Green Training and Development – Train and develop employees to become more environmentally friendly by reducing waste, careful utilization of resources and energies.

4) Green Compensation and Reward System – to motivate and encourage employees to act and behave environment friendly


More and more organizations are currently moving towards environment-friendly approaches within Organizations as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility by implementing E-filling, Green printing and proper disposal of solid and E-waste. However, it is important to promote and implement proper Greening strategies by integrating Greening with HRM practices from the employee recruitment process to exit which will pave the way to build a good company image with good morale of employees and also as an obligation to the world and next generations.


Bangwal, D. & Tiwari, P., 2015. Green HRM – A way to greening the environment. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 17(12), pp. 45-53.

HRMI.Org, 2018. Green HRM - Human Resources Management Institute. [Online]
Available at: https://hrmi.org/green-hrm/
[Accessed 9 August 2021].

Jackson, S. E., Renwick, D. W. S., Jabbour, C. J. C. & Muller-Camen, M., 2011. State-of-the-Art and Future Directions for Green Human Resource Management: Introduction to the Special Issue. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 25(2), pp. 99-116.

Lill, D., 2019. Why going green in the office benefits more than just the environment. [Online]
Available at: https://www.talk-business.co.uk/2019/02/28/why-going-green-in-the-office-benefits-more-than-just-the-environment/
[Accessed 9 August 2021].

Marla, 2018. 7 Reasons Why You Should Create Eco-Friendly Office Culture!. [Online]
Available at: https://www.organic4greenlivings.com/7-reasons-why-you-should-create-eco-friendly-office-culture/
[Accessed 09 August 2021].

Opatha, H. H. D. N. P. & Arulrajah, A. A., 2014. Green Human Resource Management: Simplified General Reflections. International Business Research, 7(8), pp. 101-112.

Pardhi, A. & Chaudhari, A., 2019. Importance of Green Human Resource Management. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 11(12), pp. 1862-1868.

Rani, S. & Mishra, K., 2014. Green HRM: Practices and Strategic Implementation in the Organizations. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(11), pp. 3633-39.

Youmatter, 2021. Management – Meaning and Definition. [Online]
Available at: https://youmatter.world/en/definition/green-human-resources-management-meaning-definition/
[Accessed 8 August 2021].



  1. The article's flow and structure are well-executed.
    Companies should conduct an environmental audit that focuses on recycling while also benefiting society and its people. It will help employees and members of organizations understand how natural resources are used and promote environmentally friendly products. Organizations should now aim for their goals through GHRM.

  2. Green HRM Human Resource Management is a very wide and the challenging department of every organization and only this department deals with the most valuable asset of the organization that are human resource, that is the reason that the all major challenging developments focus on human resources of the country and try to blend the technology and the work force together for the un beatable growth of the organization as well as the economy of the country and they both together make a bond which focuses on the sustainable environment growth....Thanks for sharing

  3. Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) can be defined as a set of policies, practices, and programs that promote the company's green work ethic in order to create an environmentally friendly, resource-efficient, and socially responsible organization. This helps to achieve greater efficiency and lower costs within the process, reducing and eliminating environmental waste and rehabilitating HR products, tools and processes. By recognizing the environment, organizations are beginning to integrate green initiatives into their common workplace and community.

  4. Green HR Management (GHRM) can be defined as a group of policies, practices, and systems that stimulate the green behavior of a company's employees in order to create an environmentally sensitive, resource-efficient, and socially responsible organization. This is an Eco-Friendly global concept that helps to secure our future. In Sri Lanka Banking sector also started to practice this GHRM inside of their branches.

  5. Trending topic Fayaz, according to Rugman and Verbeke (1998), environmental matters are some of the most complex and important managerial tasks of the twenty first century. They comprise climate change, resources reduction and decrease of ecosystem integrity and biodiversity. Public and private organizations are using natural resources wastefully for the production of various goods and services wanted by people who need to uplift their living standards. Hence an increased attention on GHRM.

  6. Natural resources are continuously using by people for productions and services which need to enhance their standard of living. Resultantly an increased trend was created among the people in respect of environmental sustainability. The purpose of Green HRM and practices is to create, enhance and retain Greening within each employee of the organization so that the employee gives a maximum individual contribution for environment sustainability.
    Good current topic Fayaz...........

  7. Green HRM is the use of HRM policies to support the sustainable use of resources in organizations and, a great help to the causes of environmental sustainability. It involves making environmentally friendly efforts that lead to greater efficiency, lower costs, and employee engagement and retention that ultimately helps the organization reduce carbon footprint.

  8. This was an academic concept on Sustainable development and Corporate sustainability at first. But in recent times businesses focused on this due to Global environmental changes. Green HRM is the concept identify the relationship between organizational activities and the impact of them on the environment. I feel all the organizations must implement this Eco-friendly practice since environment is priceless and its our duty to preserve it.

  9. Informatics article Fayaz. GHRM is a manifesto that helps to create a green workforce that is able to understand and appreciate the green culture in the organization. Such a green initiative can maintain its green goals throughout the HRM process of hiring, hiring and training, compensation, development, and corporate financing.

  10. This is very relevant and important topic. The concept of green HRM is becoming increasingly popular around the world. This concept is being adopted by many of organizations in SL today. To protect trees and the environment, a "paperless office" has been implemented. One of the primary goals of greening is to reduce the potential negative effects of energy consumption and pollution on the environment as much as possible.

  11. This is an interesting topic to discuss Fayaz.
    Green HRM involves undertaking environment-friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater efficiency, lower costs and better employee engagement and retention,it will help the organization to reduce employee carbon footprints by electronic filing, car sharing, job sharing, teleconferencing, and virtual interviews, recycling, telecommuting, online recruitment and training, energy-efficient office spaces.

  12. Very important topic Fayaz . Environmentally-friendly HR practices are very valuable approach . In the last two decades of this century, the entire world has agreed that realistic environmental management is needed. The reason for this effort is that the destructive effects of different pollutants are already evident, among which industrial waste is the main culprit for the rapid deterioration and consumption of our natural resources. The "Magna Carta" of the human environment was announced at the first United Nations (International) Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in June 1972, declaring that the protection and improvement of the human environment for present generations and future has become a top priority. Human. The ecological human resource management literature is primarily Western literature. In view of the importance of Asian economic development for environmental management, this is an important gap for future research to narrow. Management academics around the world are now looking at various management practices that can further the achievement of GHRM goals and have a significant impact on the environmental competitiveness of the organization.

  13. It refers to making efforts to enhance energy efficiency or lower pollution levels in our homes, businesses, and everyday lives. The primary goal of going green is to lessen the environmental impact of energy consumption and pollution.
    Anjana Nath defines Green HR as environment-friendly HR initiatives leading to better efficiencies, less cost, and heightened employee engagement levels.
    We can observe most of the developed countries are practicing green HRM concept for a greater extent and the developing countries like us are still in the beginning stages and yet have evolved for a greater extent. For instance, when considering banking sector, it prefers E-Recruitment process with the present situation, further the bank thrives on Digital Banking adaption. Very correctly stated in your article as Salaries and Compensation are evolved from manual transfers or deposit process. Thank You.

  14. The concept of a Green World has been around for sometime mainly as a solution to the huge amount of pollution caused by humans, the green HRM concept is also an expansion of that which began as a result of the green initiatives being introduced to the world, as you have well said in the article it's an extremely viable and important concept for the world currently. Great Article overall


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